Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Our last day in Chongqing

Today was our last day, in Chongqing. It was a pretty good day. First, we went down to breakfast, then after breakfast, we got on our bus, and went to see panda's,tigers,turtles,fish, and even rabbits, at the Chongqing zoo. Also, I got this little stuffed toy panda at the Zoo. After the zoo, we went to this place, called the Chongqing civil affairs office, where babies meet with their new parents. At the Chongqing civil affairs office, we watched a slide show, about kids getting adopted, and being like a bird, and flying to a new life. I liked the slide show allot. After the slide show ended,we got these framed leaves, and the leaves had a black and white design on them, it was the design of a little town, in Chongqing. I have to to bed now, but I'll write tomorrow.
thanks to everyone who commented on my blog. :-)


Grandpa and Grandma D said...

Dear Sofie,

We are so happy to see more pictures and to hear more about your trip to China. Everyday has been so very interesting.

Love the Pandas!

Love, Grandpa and Grandma D

nanc said...

Dear Sofie

Wish we were there. China is a wonderful country. We think the "match-up people" did a marvelous job, too. Love you and kiss your Mom for us.

Grandpa Ron and Grandma Nancy

Rachel Weil said...

Dylan says, "Hi how are you? I miss you with a capital M."

Rachel Weil said...

Where are you headed now? Here? How long is the flight and what kind of food did you get to eat on the plane? I know you said you watched three movies...so about 8-10 hours, right? With sleeping?
Remember, I have never been on an airplane before so it is interesting to hear about all of it.
Garfield says "squeak, squeak" which we know is "hello, Sofie. I miss you."
It is very cold here...I mean freezing. How has the weather been on your trip? It doesn't look like you have needed to wear a coat in the pictures.
We look forward to seeing you back here Sofie.