Monday, November 24, 2008

Ariving in Chongqing

Today we went to the place where babies are matched with their new parents. It was quiet, because the people, who match babies with there new parents, work real hard, so they like every thing to be quiet. After we went to the place where babies are matched to their parents, we went to lunch. After lunch we went on a bus, to the airport. At the airport me and my friends sold Fuling Kids pins to parents. The money goes to the orphanage to help the kids there.
Then we got to get on the plane. It was a long ride. When we got off the plane, we where in Chongqing. It feels sort of like home because I know I was born near Chongqing. It's sort of a good feeling and sort of a sad feeling, because I don't know who my birthparents are. Maybe my friends feel like this too. We're so busy horsing around we haven't had time yet to talk about it.

Now we are in our hotel room. Our hotel room, has two beds,a TV, some furnitcher, and I took a bubble bath. Mama told me the first day she and Baba adopted me we stayed in this same hotel. I think this hotel is awesome. Mama and I are going to sleep soon, because tomorrow were going to see giant pandas in the zoo! (I just showed my pandas Ying and Yang what I wrote. They are excited too.)


Suzanne said...

Hi Sofie- My name is Suzanne and my daughter, Sydney Hui, was adopted from Fuling 2 years ago. She is 3 now and we really like reading your blog! You are doing a great job detailing your trip. We almost feel like we are there...and I wish we were! Keep up the good work!
Suzanne Scott

Rachel Weil said...

that must have been an exiting.and today we had another buddy lunch.
I read my I A poem to the whole entire school.Today was eventful and very fun.And how was your trip to the zoo.Hope you had fun.

Rachel Weil said...

Dear Sofie,
What did the babbies look like?Were
they weird or cute?
hope you have fun at the zoo'
hope i see you soon.
p.s.Waylons new book reveiw is Diary of a Fly.

Rachel Weil said...

Dear sofie,
josy minght want a penpal too.Hope
you are having a good time.

Andrea Nielsen said...

My daughter Lillie is also from Fuling and she is 3 and a half. she and I love reading about your adventure. We were sorry we couldn't go, but you make it seem like we are almost there! Thank you for letting us read about your adventure!