Monday, November 24, 2008

I fell asleep with my new pandas. I named the big one Yang and the little one Yin. (Get it? Ying and Yan.)
Mama took this photo this morning. She said I really needed the sleep.

This morning went to the office where babies are matched to their new moms and dads.
The way they do it to take papers about the baby and papers about new parents and decide which ones match.
Each one of those folders behind me is from a mom and dad asking to adopt a baby from China! There are a lot.

Mama and me in front of the room where the people who match babies to moms and dads work all day.
They look for the best Mom and Dad for that baby. Its a tough decison.
We have to be quiet, because its important work.
We're really happy because we got paired.
Those people in the matching room did a good job.
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1 comment:

S said...

Dear Jiejie,

I like your new pandas. Baba said you will visit real ones at the zoo today. Silke and I like to look at the pictures of you and mama, but Silke keeps trying to type on the keyboard.

from your meimei